Cue Titles & Abbreviations

Cue Title Full Title
AAA American Art Association, auctioneers, New York (merged in 1929 with Anderson)
AAS American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts
AB-1 EBB’s address book, ca. 1843–early 1850’s, published in volume 9, pp. 385–388; manuscript at The Huntington Library
AB-2 RB’s address book, ca. 1842–early 1850’s, published in volume 9, pp. 389–394; manuscript at Yale University
AB-3 EBB and RB’s address book, ca. 1851–ca. 1856, published in volume 17, pp. 397–408; manuscript at the University of Texas at Austin
AB-4 EBB and RB’s address book, 1856–1863, published in volume 24, pp. 381–402; manuscript at the British Library
AB-5 RB’s address book, 1863–1876; published in volume 31, pp. 371–395; manuscript at the University of Texas at Austin
AB-6 RB’s address book, 1876–1889; manuscript in private collection
AB-7 Sarianna Browning’s address book, 1887–1891; manuscript at the Armstrong Browning Library
Aberdeen The Marquess of Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
ABL Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
ABL/Altham Armstrong Browning Library, Altham Archive, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
ABL/JMA Armstrong Browning Library, Joseph Milsand Archive, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Acadia Acadia University, Wolfville, Canada
Akron University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
Aldrich Coll Aldrich Collection, Iowa State Historical Department, Des Moines, Iowa
Altschul Stephen Altschul, New York
American Academy American Academy in Rome, Italy
Amherst Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Anderson Anderson Galleries, auctioneers, New York (merged in 1929 with AAA)
Anstruther Ian Anstruther, Petworth, England
APS American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
Archivio Salvini Archivio Salvini, Museo Biblioteca dell’Attore del Teatro Stabile di Genova
Arents Arents Collection, The New York Public Library, New York
Arizona Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Armitt Trust The Armitt Trust, Ambleside, England
Armytage (1) “Robert Browning and Mrs. Pattison: Some Unpublished Letters,” ed. W.H.G. Armytage, University of Toronto Quarterly, 21 (1952)
Armytage (2) “Some New Letters of Robert Browning, 1871–1889,” ed. W.H.G. Armytage, Modern Language Quarterly, 12 (1951)
Arnold The Letters of Matthew Arnold, ed. Cecil Y. Lang (Charlottesville, Virginia, 1996–2001).
Arts & Letters American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York
Ashmolean Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England
Auckland PL Auckland Public Library, New Zealand
B-GB Letters of the Brownings to George Barrett, ed. Paul Landis (Urbana, Illinois, 1958)
B-IB Florentine Friends: The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning to Isa Blagden, 1850–1861, ed. Philip Kelley and Sandra Donaldson (Winfield, Kansas, 2009)
BAF Browning to His American Friends, ed. Gertrude Reese Hudson (New York, 1965)
Balliol Balliol College, Oxford, England
Baly Mrs. Elaine Baly, London
Bank Bank of England, London
Barnes Warner Barnes, Austin, Texas
Barrett R.A. Barrett, The Barretts of Jamaica: The Family of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Winfield, Kansas, 2000)
BBIS-10 “Letters from Owen Meredith (Robert, First Earl of Lytton) to Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning,” ed. Aurelia Brooks Harlan and J. Lee Harlan, Jr., Baylor Browning Interests Series Ten (Waco, Texas, 1936)
BBIS-14 Robert Browning’s Portraits, Photographs and Other Likenesses and Their Makers by Grace Elizabeth Wilson, Baylor Browning Interests Series Fourteen (Waco, Texas, 1943)
BBIS-17 “A Letter from Robert Browning to John Ruskin,” [ed. Mary M. Armstrong], Baylor Browning Interests Series Seventeen (Waco, Texas, 1958)
BBIS-22 “The Brownings to the Tennysons,” ed. Thomas J. Collins, Baylor Browning Interests Series Twenty-two (Waco, Texas, 1971)
BBIS-23 “Elizabeth Barrett and the ‘Centurion’,” by Robert W. Gladish, Baylor Browning Interests Series Twenty-three (Waco, Texas, 1973)
BBIS-24 “The Letters of Robert Browning to Frederick and Nina Lehmann, 1863–1889,” ed. Boyd Litzinger, Baylor Browning Interests Series Twenty-four (Waco, Texas, 1975)
BBIS-2 “Helena Faucit Martin’s Unpublished Letters to Browning,” ed. A.J. Armstrong, Baylor Browning Interests Series Two (Waco, Texas, 1931)
BBIS-5 “Diary of Miss Evelyn Barclay, Letters to Walter Savage Landor, Three Letters of Browning,” ed. A.J. Armstrong, Baylor Browning Interests Series Five (Waco, Texas, 1932)
BBIS-8 “Intimate Glimpses from Browning’s Letter File,” ed. A.J. Armstrong, Baylor Browning Interests Series Eight (Waco, Texas, 1934)
BBIS Baylor Browning Interests Series (Waco, Texas, 1927–85)
BC The Brownings’ Correspondence, ed. Philip Kelley et al. (Winfield, Kansas, 1984–   )
Bell Janet de Horne Bevington Bell, Hemel Hempstead, England
Berg The Henry W. & Albert A. Berg Collection, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Berkeley University of California at Berkeley, California
Berman Robert J. Berman, Tuxedo Park, New York
Bibliotheca Bodmeriana Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland
Bibliothèque Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
Birmingham Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England
Birmingham PL Birmingham Public Libraries, England
Birmingham Univ University of Birmingham, England
BIS Browning Institute Studies (New York, 1973–90)
BL British Library, London
BM The British Museum, London
BMFA Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
BNF Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
BN The Browning Newsletter, ed. Warner Barnes (Waco, Texas, 1968–72)
Bodleian The Bodleian Library, Oxford, England
Boessen C.S. Boessen, book seller, Detroit, Michigan
Boner Memoirs and Letters of Charles Boner, ed. R.M. Kettle, 2 vols. (London, 1871)
Bonhams Bonhams, Auctioneers, London
Borthwick Borthwick Institute, University of York, Heslington, York, England
Bosco “The Brownings and Mrs. Kinney: A Record of Their Friendship,” by Ronald A. Bosco, Browning Institute Studies, 4 (1976)
Boston Athenæum Library of the Boston Athenæum, Massachusetts
Boston College Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Boston PL Boston Public Library, Massachusetts
Boston Univ Boston University, Massachusetts
Boulder University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Bowdoin Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
Bret-Harte John Bret-Harte, Tucson, Arizona
Brighton Brighton Area Library, Brighton, England
Brims Eve Brims, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland, England
Bristol University of Bristol, Bristol, England
British Columbia University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
BRO Berkshire Record Office, Reading, England
Brown Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Browning Collections The Browning Collections. Catalogue of Oil Paintings, Drawings & Prints; Autograph Letters and Manuscripts; Books ... the Property of R.W. Barrett Browning, Esq. (London, 1913). Reprinted in Munby, Sale Catalogues, VI (1972), 1–192
Browning Memorials Browning Memorials: A Catalogue of Books, Drawings, Autograph Letters, and other Relics. Offered for sale by Bertram Dobell (London, 1913). Reprinted in BIS, 2, 77–118
Browning Society The Browning Society, London
Brown The Diary of Ford Madox Brown, ed. Virginia Surtees (New Haven, 1981)
BrS Robert Browning Settlement, London
Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
BSN Browning Society Notes (London, 1970–2008 )
BTC British Transport Corporation Archives, London
BT Browning’s Trumpeter: The Correspondence of Robert Browning and Frederick J. Furnivall, 1872–1889, ed. William S. Peterson (Washington, D.C., 1979)
Buffalo Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Buffalo, New York
Burton Mrs. Joseph Ashby Burton, Chatham, New Jersey
Calgary University of Calgary, Canada
Cambridge Union Cambridge Union Library, Cambridge, England
Cambridge Univ Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, England
Camden Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre, London
Camellia Camellia Collection, Linton Park, Kent, England
Cape Town University of Cape Town, South Africa
Carlyle (1) New Letters of Thomas Carlyle, ed. A. Carlyle, 2 vols. (London, 1904)
Carlyle The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Duke-Edinburgh edition, ed. Charles Richard Sanders et al. (Durham, North Carolina, and London, 1970– 2022)
Case Western Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Castle Howard Castle Howard, Yorkshire, England
Cella George Cella, La Fox, Illinois
Chapin Chapin Library, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Chapman Harriet Martineau’s Autobiography, ed. Maria Weston Chapman, 2 vols. (Boston, 1877)
Checklist The Brownings’ Correspondence: A Checklist, comps. Philip Kelley and Ronald Hudson (New York and Arkansas City, Kansas, 1978)
Chelsea Chelsea Library, London
Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Cheltenham, England
Cheltenham Art Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, Cheltenham, England
Cheshire Cheshire Record Office, Chester, England
Chiarini Signora Emma Chiarini, Rome, Italy
Chicago University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Chicago PL Chicago Public Library, Chicago, Illinois
Chorley Letters of Mary Russell Mitford, second series, ed. Henry Chorley, 2 vols. (London, 1872)
Chorley Henry Fothergill Chorley: Autobiography, Memoir, and Letters, 2 vols. (London, 1873)
Christie’s Christie, Manson & Woods, auctioneers, London and New York
Churchill Churchill College, Cambridge, England
Cincinnati Hist Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati PL Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio
Claremont Claremont University, Claremont, California
Cleveland PL Special Collections, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio
Clive George Clive, London
Cobbold Lord Cobbold, Knebworth, England. On deposit at Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertford
Colby Colby College, Waterville, Maine
Collector The Collector, catalogue of Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, Inc., New York (later Hunter, New York)
Collings Norman Collings, Tunbridge Wells, England
Collins “Letters from Robert Browning to the Rev. J.D. Williams, 1874–1889,” ed. Thomas J. Collins, Browning Institute Studies, 4 (1976)
Collins, R. Richard Collins, New Orleans, Louisiana
Colorado Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Columbia Columbia University, New York
Concord Concord Free Public Library, Concord, Massachusetts
Cook The Works of John Ruskin, ed. E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn, vol. xxxvi (London, 1909)
Cooper Elisabeth Lady Cooper, London
Copenhagen Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copley The James S. Copley Library, La Jolla, California
Cornell Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Cornhill The Cornhill Magazine, London
Corning Corning Community College, Corning, New York
Cornwall Cornwall Record Office, Truro, England
Coventry Coventry City Libraries, Coventry, England
Creighton Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
Crook Keith Crook, Cambridge, England
Crosier/Nelson Pamela Crosier and James Nelson, San Antonio, Texas
Crosland Mrs. Camilla D.T. Crosland, Landmarks of a Literary Life, 1820–1892 (London, 1893)
Crouse Crouse Autograph Collection, Cromaine District Library, Hartland, Michigan
Crowder A.B. Crowder, Conway, Arkansas
DAB Dictionary of American Biography
Dalhousie Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Darby Adrian Darby, Gloucester, England
Dartmouth Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Daw C.A. Daw & Sons, London
DeLaura “Ruskin and the Brownings: Twenty-five Unpublished Letters,” ed. David J. DeLaura, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 54 (Spring 1972)
Delaware University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Denbigh Earl of Denbigh, Rugeley, England
Detroit University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan
DeVane William C. DeVane, A Browning Handbook, 2nd ed. (New York, 1955)
Diary Diary by E.B.B.: The Unpublished Diary of Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1831–1832, ed. Philip Kelley and Ronald Hudson (Athens, Ohio, 1969)
Dickens The Letters of Charles Dickens, ed. M. House, G. Storey, et al. (Oxford, 1965–2002)
Dickinson Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
DI Dearest Isa: Robert Browning’s Letters to Isabella Blagden, ed. Edward C. McAleer (Austin, 1951)
DNB Dictionary of National Biography
Dobell Bertram Dobell & Sons, book dealers, London (later Tunbridge Wells)
Donner The Browning Box, ed. H.W. Donner (London, 1935)
Dorset Dorset County Museum, Dorchester, England
Dougherty (1) “Browning Letters in the Vatican Library,” by Charles T. Dougherty, Manuscripta, 4 (1960)
Dove Cottage Dove Cottage, Grasmere, England
Drake James F. Drake, Inc., book dealers, New York
Drew Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
Dublin Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Dugdale Sir William Dugdale, Atherstone, England
Duke Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Dumbarton Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C.
Duncan-Jones Mrs. E.E. Duncan-Jones, Cambridge, England
Dunedin Dunedin Public Library, Dunedin, New Zealand
Durham University of Durham, England
Durham Cathedral Durham Cathederal Library, England
d’Offay Anthony d’Offay, book seller, Edinburgh, Scotland
East Sussex East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton
EBB Elizabeth Barrett Barrett / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
EBB-AB The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Her Sister Arabella, ed. Scott Lewis, 2 vols. (Waco, Texas, 2002)
EBB-BRH Invisible Friends: The Correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Barrett and Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1842–1845, ed. W.B. Pope (Cambridge, Mass., 1973)
EBB-EAHO Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Letters to Mrs. David Ogilvy, ed. Peter N. Heydon and Philip Kelley (New York, 1973)
EBB-HSB Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Boyd. Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Hugh Stuart Boyd, ed. Barbara P. McCarthy (New Haven, 1955)
EBB-MRM The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russell Mitford, 1836–1854, ed. Meredith B. Raymond and Mary Rose Sullivan, 3 vols. (Winfield, Kansas, 1983)
EBB-RHH Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Addressed to Richard Hengist Horne, with Preface and Memoir, ed. S.R. Townshend Mayer, 2 vols. (London, 1877)
EB Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., London, 1910)
Edinburgh Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland
ERM-B Edward R. Moulton-Barrett Papers. Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Erskine Anna Jameson: Letters and Friendships, ed. Mrs. Steuart Erskine (London, 1915)
Essex Essex Record Office, Chelmsford, England
Eton Eton College Library, Windsor, England
Eton (Meredith) Eton College Library, Michael Meredith Collection, Windsor, England
Fales Fales Library, New York University, New York
Farringford R. Fitzgerald, Farringford, near Freshwater, Isle of Wight
Fawcett Fawcett Library, City of London Polytechnic
Firenze Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Italy
Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England
Flintshire Flintshire Record Office, Hawarden, Flintshire
Florida University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Folger The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.
Fort Schuyler Fort Schuyler Club, Utica, New York
Fruitlands Fruitlands Museums, Harvard, Massachusetts
G & M W.H. Griffin and H.C. Minchin, The Life of Robert Browning (New York, 1910)
Gardner Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Massachusetts
Garnett Richard Garnett and Edward Garnett, The Life of W.J. Fox (London, 1910)
Garrick Garrick Club, London
Georgetown Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Girton Girton College, Cambridge, England
Glamorgan Glamorgan Record Office, Cardiff, Wales
Glasgow Glasgow University, Scotland
Glasgow City Glasgow City Archives, Glasgow, Scotland
GM-B Gordon E. Moulton-Barrett, Hobe Sound, Florida
Goethe Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Weimar, Germany
Goodspeed’s Goodspeed’s Book Shop, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts
Greater London Greater London Record Office and History Library, London
Grolier Grolier Club, New York
Hamilton Charles Hamilton Galleries, Inc., autograph dealers and auctioneers, New York
Hampden-Booth Walter Hampden-Edwin Booth Theatre Collection and Library, New York
Hampshire Hampshire Record Office, Winchester
Hanzel Hanzel Galleries, Inc., auctioneers, Chicago, Illinois
Harkness John Harkness & Co., book dealers, London
Harrow Harrow School, Harrow-on-the-Hill, England
Hartford British Notables Collection, Watkinson Library, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
Harvard Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Haverford Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Hawkins Mrs. E.E. Hawkins, Pullborough, England
Hawthorne The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, ed. William Charvat et al. (Columbus, Ohio, 1962–97)
Haydon Benjamin Robert Haydon, Correspondence and Table-Talk, ed. Frederick Wordsworth Haydon, 2 vols. (London, 1876)
Haydon The Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, from his Autobiography and Journals, ed. Tom Taylor, 3 vols. (London, 1853)
Hayward California State University, East Bay, Hayward, California
Heath Desmond Heath, London
Hereford Herefordshire Record Office, Hereford, England
Hereford Cathedral Hereford Cathedral, Herefordshire
Hereford City Library Hereford City Library, Biddulph Collection, Hereford, England
Hertfordshire Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertford
Hervey-Bathurst James Hervey-Bathurst, Ledbury, England
Heydon Peter N. Heydon, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Hofstra Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York
Hollins Hollins College, Hollins, Virginia
Holt Edgar Holt, Risorgimento: The Making of Italy, 1815–1870 (London, 1970)
Hopkins Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Hotchkiss Hotchkiss Library, Sharon, Connecticut
Hove Central Library, Borough of Hove, England
Hunley Maxwell O. Hunley, book seller, Los Angeles, California
Hunt The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt, ed. J.H.L. Hunt (London, 1862)
Huntington The Huntington Library, San Marino, California
HUP Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Hitherto Unpublished Poems and Stories, ed. H. Buxton Forman, 2 vols. (Boston, 1914)
Huxley Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Letters to Her Sister, 1846–1859, ed. Leonard Huxley (London, 1929)
ICS Archives of the Intercontinental Church Society, Guildhall Library, London
Illinois University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Imperial College Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
India Office India Office Records, British Library, London
Institut de France Institut de France, Paris
International International Autographs, autograph dealers, New York
Iowa University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Irvine Burns Club Irvine Burns Club, Ayrshire, Scotland
Islington Islington Central Library, England
Jagiellonian Jagiellonian Library, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Jameson Gerardine Macpherson, Memoirs of the Life of Anna Jameson (London, 1878)
Jopling Zélie Jopling, Colchester, England
Jordan Elizabeth Jordan, Tilford, England
Kansas University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Kardatzke Kardatzke Historic Authors Collection, Museum of World Treasures, Wichita, Kansas
Karpeles The Karpeles Manuscript Library, Santa Barbara, California
Kaye Mrs. Bess Kaye, New York
Keele Keele University, Staffordshire, England
Kensington Kensington Central Library, London
Kent Kent Archives and Local History, Maidsonte, Kent
Kentucky University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Kenyon Typescript British Library Add Ms. 42229–42231, copies and typescripts gathered and prepared by Frederic G. Kenyon for his 1897 edition of EBB’s letters (LEBB)
King Raphael King, book seller, London
King’s King’s College, Cambridge, England
King’s College King’s College, London
KS Keats-Shelley Memorial Association, Rome, Italy.
Lambeth Lambeth Palace Library, London
Lambeth Archives Lambeth Archives & The Minet Library, London
Lange Thomas V. Lange, New York
Lasner Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, University of Delaware Library, Newark, Delaware
Last C.H. Last, book seller, Bromley, England
Last Words The Last Words of Thomas Carlyle (London, 1892)
Lawson E.M. Lawson & Co., book dealers, Birmingham, England
LC Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
LEBB The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. Frederic G. Kenyon, 2 vols. (London, 1897)
Leeds Leeds District Archives, Leeds, England
Leeds Univ The Brotherton Collection, University of Leeds, England
Leicestershire Leicestershire Record Office, Wigston Magna, Leicester, England
Libbie Libbie & Co., auctioneers, Boston, Massachusetts
Lilly The Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Liverpool Libraries Department, City of Liverpool, England
LL Learned Lady: Letters from Robert Browning to Mrs. Thomas FitzGerald, ed. Edward C. McAleer (Cambridge, Mass., 1966)
Lochaber Lochaber Archive Centre, Fort William, Scotland
London Library London Library, London
London School London School of Economics & Political Science, London
Longfellow Longfellow National Historic Site, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Longland Jean R. Longland, New York
Longwood Longwood University Archives, Farmville, Virginia
Louisiana Louisiana Historical Center, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana
LRB Letters of Robert Browning Collected by Thomas J. Wise, ed. Thurman L. Hood (New Haven, Connecticut, 1933)
LSF Library of the Religious Society of Friends, London
LVC Letters from Robert Browning to Various Correspondents, ed. Thomas J. Wise, 1st. Ser., 2 vols. (London, 1895–96). 2nd Ser., 2 vols. (London, 1907–08)
L’Estrange (1) Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford, ed. Alfred Guy Kingham L’Estrange, 2 vols. (London, 1882)
L’Estrange (2) Life of Mary Russell Mitford, ed. Alfred Guy Kingham L’Estrange, 3 vols. (London, 1870)
M-B Moulton-Barrett
Macdonald Katharine Macdonald, London
Macready The Diaries of William Charles Macready 1833–1851, ed. William Toynbee, 2 vols. (London, 1912)
Magdalen Magdalen College, Oxford, England
Maggs Maggs Bros., Ltd., book dealers, London
Maine Maine Historical Society, Portland, Maine
Manchester College Manchester College, Oxford, England
Manchester PL Manchester Public Library, Manchester, England
Manx Manx Museum, Isle of Man
Marciana Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, Italy
Marks Jeannette Marks, The Family of the Barrett (New York, 1938)
Martin George Martin, The Red Shirt and the Cross of Savoy: The Story of Italy’s Risorgimento (1748–1871) (New York, 1969)
Marucelliana Biblioteca Marucelliana, Florence, Italy
Maryland Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland
Mason City Mason City Public Library, Mason City, Iowa
Maxse Maxse Papers, West Sussex County Record Office, Chichester, England
Maynard John Maynard, Browning’s Youth (Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1977)
McGill McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Meredith Michael Meredith, Eton, England
Metropolitan Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Meynell, James James Meynell, London
MHS Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts
Miami University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Miami Univ Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Michelet Michelet Archive, Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris
Michigan William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Michigan State Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Middlebury Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont
Millais Sir Geoffrey Millais, Winchelsea, England
Miller Martha Sue Miller, Waco, Texas
Mills Mills College, Oakland, California
Minnesota University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mitford Mary Russell Mitford, Recollections of a Literary Life; or Books, Places, and People. 3 vols. (London, 1852)
Montana University of Montana, Missoula, Montana
Moore, R.G. Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Moore, England
Morgan The Morgan Library & Museum, New York
Morgan, Ray Bequest The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, Gordon N. Ray Bequest
Morristown Morristown National Historic Park, Morristown, New Jersey
Motley W.M. Motley, Much Wenlock, England
MPG Patrologiæ Cursus Completus ... Series Græca, ed. Jacques Paul Migne (Paris, 1857–80)
MPL Patrologiæ Cursus Completus ... Series Latina, ed. Jacques Paul Migne (Paris, 1844–65)
Munson Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, New York
Murray John Murray, London
Museo Correr Museo Correr, Venice, Italy
Myers Myers & Co., book dealers, London (later W.A. Myers, Ltd.)
N&Q Notes & Queries
NAS The National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
National Archives National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
Nebraska Special Collection, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Newberry Newberry Library, Chicago
Newcastle Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
NGA National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Nicoll Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century, ed. W.R. Nicoll & T.J. Wise, 2 vols. (London, 1895)
NJHS The New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, New Jersey
NLI National Library of Ireland, Dublin
NL New Letters of Robert Browning, ed. W.C. DeVane and K.L. Knickerbocker (New Haven, Connecticut, 1950)
Norfolk Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, England
North Carolina University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Record Office, Northampton, England
Northwestern Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Archives, Notre Dame, Indiana
Nottingham University of Nottingham, England
NPG National Portrait Gallery, London
NYHS New-York Historical Society, New York
NYPL-Ms Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, New York
ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
OED Oxford English Dictionary
Ohio State Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oliver, Northrepps, Norfolk, England
Onondaga Onondaga County Public Library, Syracuse, New York
Orr Mrs. Sutherland Orr, Life and Letters of Robert Browning, revised and in part rewritten by Frederic G. Kenyon (London, 1908)
Owen John Owen, Mayfield, England
Oxford Oxford University Archives, Bodleian Library, Oxford
Parke Bernet Parke Bernet Galleries, Inc., auctioneers, New York (later Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.)
Parry Mrs. Glynne Parry, Dyfed, Wales
Penn Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Penn State The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pforzheimer The Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, New York
Philadelphia Free Library of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phillips Exeter Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire
Poe Edgar Allan Poe, The Complete Works, ed. James A. Harrison, 17 vols. (New York, 1902)
Poems by EBB “Notebook in the hands of EBB and Mary Moulton-Barrett entitled “Poems by Elizabeth B. Barrett,” now in the Berg Collection (see Reconstruction, D1419)
Poems by EBB II Collection of EBB’s compositions in the hand of Mary Moulton-Barrett, now in the Berg Collection (see Reconstruction, D1420)
Pope The Diary of Benjamin Robert Haydon, ed. Willard Bissell Pope, 5 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1963)
Pope, W.B. W.B. Pope, Burlington, Vermont
Postal Museum The Postal Museum, London
Powell Thomas Powell, The Living Authors of England (New York, 1849)
Princeton Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
PRO Public Record Office, London
PRONI Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Purefoy Geoffrey Purefoy, Shalstone, England
Pusey Pusey House, Oxford, England
Pushkin Pushkin Academy, Institute of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Quaritch Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., book dealers, London
Queensland Fryer Library, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
RA Royal Academy of Arts, London
Radcliffe Radcliffe Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Rains Rains Galleries, auctioneers, New York
Randolph-Macon The Lipscomb Library, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, Virginia
RAS Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
RB Robert Browning
RB, Sr. Robert Browning, Sr., RB’s father
RB-AD Robert Browning and Alfred Domett, ed. Frederic G. Kenyon (London, 1906)
RB-EBB The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1845–1846, ed. Elvan Kintner, 2 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1969)
RB-GS “Robert Browning and George Smith,” by Philip Kelley, The Quarterly Review, 629 (July 1961)
RB-JDC The Browning Society by Robert Browning: Being Letters from Robert Browning to James Dykes Campbell, ed. Clement Shorter (London, 1917)
RB-JW Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood, a Broken Friendship as Revealed by Their Letters, ed. Richard Curle (London, 1937)
RB-KB More than Friend: The Letters of Robert Browning to Katharine de Kay Bronson, ed. Michael Meredith (Winfield, Kansas, 1985)
RCM Royal College of Music, London
Reading Reading Central Library, Reading, England
Reading Univ University of Reading, England
Reconstruction The Browning Collections: A Reconstruction, comps. Philip Kelley and Betty A. Coley (London, New York, Waco, Texas, and Winfield, Kansas, 1984)
Rhode Island University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island
Richards Paul C. Richards, book seller, Boston, Massachusetts
Ridwood Ridwood Library and Athenæum, Newport, Rhode Island
Rigby George S. Rigby, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Rivers P.J. Rivers, Singapore
RLF Archives of The Royal Literary Fund, London. On loan to the British Library
Robertson David Robertson, Princeton, New Jersey
Rochester University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
Rodin Archives du musée Rodin, Paris
Rosenbach Museum Rosenbach Museum & Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rossetti The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, ed. William E. Fredeman, 10 vols. (Cambridge, England, 2002–15)
Rothschild N.M. Rothschild Archives, London
Royal College Royal College of Physicians, London
Royal Holloway Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey
Royal Institution The Royal Institution, London
Royal Museum Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium
RSM Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain, London
Ruskin Library The Ruskin Library, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England
Ruskin Museum Ruskin Museum, Coniston, Cumbria, England
Russell The Roman Question: Extracts from the despatches of Odo Russell from Rome, 1858–1870, ed. Noel Blakiston (London, 1962)
Rutgers Rutgers—The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
RWEMA R.W. Emerson Memorial Association, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Rylands John Rylands University Library of Manchester, England
Saffron Walden Saffron Walden Museum, Essex, England
Salisbury House Salisbury House, Des Moines, Iowa
Salomons David Salomons Estate, Tunbridge Wells, England
San Antonio Hertzberg Circus Collection, San Antonio Public Library, San Antonio, Texas
San Gimignano San Gimignano Biblioteca Comunale, San Gimignano, Italy
Sanders & Co Sanders & Co., book dealers, Oxford, England
Santa Cruz University of California at Santa Cruz, California
Sawyer Charles J. Sawyer, book dealers, London
SBHC Studies in Browning and His Circle (Waco, Texas, 1973–2006)
Scheetz Nicholas B. Scheetz, Washington, D.C.
Scotland National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Scott & O’Shaughnessy Scott & O’Shaughnessy, auctioneers, New York
Scripps The Browning Collection, The Ella Strong Denison Library, Scripps College, Claremont, California
SD Supporting Document—any pertinent item other than a letter to or from EBB or RB. SD’s originating in the period covered by any volume of this work are cited therein, in checklist format, with extracts of such material as relates directly to the poets
Sechler Joyce Sechler, Denver, Colorado
Seven Gables Seven Gables Bookshop, book dealers, New York (later Princeton, New Jersey)
Shakespeare The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-on-Avon, England
Shapell Shapell Manuscript Foundation, Herzliya, Israel
Sharp “The Life and Letters of William Sharp and “Fiona Macleod”, ed. William F. Halloran, 3 vols. (Cambridge, England, 2018–20)
Sheffield Sheffield University, Sheffield, England
Shropshire Shropshire Record Office, Shrewsbury, England
Shurcliff Mrs. William A. Shurcliff, Cambridge, Massachusetts
SIL Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Special Collections Department—Dibner Library, Washington, D.C.
Smalley “Joseph Arnould and Robert Browning: New Letters (1842–1850) and a Verse Epistle,” by Donald Smalley, PMLA, 80 (1965)
Smith Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
Smith, Celia Celia Smith, Beaminster, Dorset, England
Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Smythe R.M. Smythe & Co., auctioneers, New York
Society of Antiquaries Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Northumberland, England
Somerset Somerset Archives and Local Studies, Taunton, England
Somerville Somerville College, Oxford, England
Sotheby’s Sotheby & Co., auctioneers, London and New York
Sotheran Henry Sotheran & Co., book dealers, London
South Carolina The University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
South Florida University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
South London South London Gallery, London
Southampton University of Southampton, Southampton, England
Southwark Southwark Central Reference Library, London
Spencer Walter T. Spencer, book seller, London
St. Andrews University of St. Andrews, Scotland
St. John’s College St John’s College, Cambridge, England
St. Joseph St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut
St. Thomas University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
Staffordshire Staffordshire Record Office, Staffordshire, England
Stanford Stanford University, Stanford, California
State Library State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Stockholm Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm
Stowe School Stowe School, Stowe, England
SUNY-Buffalo State University of New York at Buffalo, New York
Surtees Journal of William Surtees Cook (afterwards Altham), 1844–87. Manuscript at Armstrong Browning Library
Sussex University of Sussex, Brighton, England
Swann Swann Galleries, Inc., auctioneers, New York
Sweeny Peter B. Sweeny, Pleasantville, New York
Swinburne The Swinburne Letters, ed. Cecil Y. Lang (New Haven, Conn., 1959–62)
Syracuse University of Syracuse, Syracuse, New York
Taplin Gardner B. Taplin, The Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (New Haven, 1957)
Tayler Mrs. H.M. Tayler, London
Taylor Coll R.H. Taylor Collection, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Taylor Inst Taylor Institution, Oxford, England
TCU Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas
Tennyson Centre Tennyson Research Centre, Lincolnshire Archives, Lincoln, England
Tennyson The Letters of Alfred Lord Tennyson, ed. Cecil Y. Lang and Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., 3 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1981–1990)
Texas Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin
The Ingatherer The Ingatherer, catalogue of Colbeck, Radford & Co., book dealers, London
Theatre Museum Theatre Museum, London
TLS The Times Literary Supplement
Todorow Maria Fossi Todorow, Florence, Italy
Tollett & Harman Tollett & Harman, book seller, New York
Toronto University of Toronto, Canada
Torquay Torquay Museum, Torquay, England
Travers Ben Travers, London
Tregaskis James Tregaskis, book seller, London
Trinity Trinity College, Cambridge, England
TRL Toronto Reference Library, Toronto, Canada
TTUL Twenty-two Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning Addressed to Henrietta and Arabella Moulton-Barrett, ed. W.R. Benet (New York, 1935)
Turnbull Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand
Tx A&M Yeats Browning Collection, Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Tyne & Wear Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
UCLA Special Collections, University of California at Los Angeles, California
UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara, California
ULL University of London Library, London
Union Special Collections, Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenectady, New York
University College University College, London
UW-Madison Department of Special Collections, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
V&A Victoria and Albert Museum, London
V&A Wedgwood V&A Wedgwood Collection, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England
Vassar Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
Vatican Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome, Italy
Vermont The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Verney Sir Ralph Verney, Middle Claydon, England
Victoria State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Virginia University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Virginia Historical Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia
Waddington Patrick Waddington, Knock, knock, knock! Who’s there? (Upper Hutt, New Zealand, 2007)
Wales National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales
Warwick Warwick County Record Office, Warwick, England
Washington University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Washington State Univ Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Washington Univ Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Weaver “Twenty Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth Barrett to Hugh Stuart Boyd,” ed. Bennett Weaver, PMLA, 65 (1950)
Wedgwood Wedgwood Museum, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent, England
Wellcome Wellcome Library, London
Wellesley Wellesley College Library, The English Poetry Collection, Wellesley, Massachusetts
West Glamorgan West Glamorgan Archives, Swansea, Wales
Westminster Westminster City Archives, London
Westminster Abbey The Muniment Room and Library, Westminster Abbey, London
Westminster Bank National Westminster Bank, London
Wheeler Oliver and Tina Wheeler, London
White Mrs. A.J. White, Napier, New Zealand
Willamette Willamette University, Salem, Oregon
Williams College Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Williams’s Library Dr. Williams’s Library, London
Wilson John Wilson, autograph dealer, Cheltenham, England
Winterthur Wintherthur Museum, Garden & Library, Delaware
Wisconsin State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
Woburn Abbey Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, England
Worcester Worcester College Library, Oxford, England
Worcester Polytechnic Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts
Wordsworth The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth, ed. Ernest de Sélincourt, et al. 2nd ed., 8 vols. (Oxford, 1967–93)
Woudhuysen H.R. Woudhuysen, London, England
Yaddo Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, New York
Yale Yale University, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, Connecticut
Yale Center Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut
[     ] Square brackets indicate material inserted by editors
<     > Angle brackets denote an irregularity in the manuscript. The absence of a note indicates that the irregularity is caused by a seal tear, hole, or physical deterioration and that the information within the brackets is a conjectural reconstruction
<…> Angle brackets enclosing ellipsis show an actual omission caused by a defect or physical irregularity in the manuscript. Except in the case of text lost through seal tears, holes, etc., the nature of the irregularity is indicated by a note. This symbol appears on a line by itself if lost text exceeds half a line
<★★★> Angle brackets enclosing triple stars indicate the lack of a beginning or end of a letter
|     | Vertical bars are used before and after a word which, though not physically obliterated, is a word of uncertain transcription
Ellipses indicate omissions from quoted material in notes and supporting documents, but in the actual texts of the Brownings’ correspondence they merely reproduce the writers’ style of punctuation
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