Saturday Dec 24th.
It was determined last night, by Papa & the rest of the senators, that the boys shd. have a holiday today, Christmas eve. A relief to me. Miss Glasco is to exhibit her puppet show next Friday, & she wants my prologue. I hate that kind of composition—am not in a humour for it—but I suppose she must have what she wants.
A note from Mrs. Boyd. I am “very naughty but very kind” for sending the turkey. Mr. Boyd she “dares say,” “will write to me next time”. Never! when he can help it. He is “quite reconciled to H M notwithstanding all his fears”.
I knew it wd. be so. If he does write to me, his writing will be no proof of his having thought of me,—but only of his having received a turkey! Low spirited this evening. Wrote to Mrs. Boyd three times—before I cd. write what pleased me. I said at last “I have thought that Mr. B wd. like Miss H M as much as ever; so you see your information was anticipated”. Not a word about his writing to me, or my going there. If I were to go there, & to perceive that he wd. have preferred my having stayed away,—Oh I cannot get over the reluctance.