Wednesday. Dec 28th.
Finished the prologue.[1] Read it to Bummy & Papa—& both of them pleased. Sent it off by Bro to Miss G—& both of them pleased. I am pleased besides: and am a great deal better.
A note from Mrs. Boyd, to tell me of Annie & Eliza & Mr. A Cliffe having been at R C, & of all she has heard about my horribly rude note to Mrs. Cliffe!! Wrote a few lines to Mrs. B, offering a bed to Jane for Friday night—& one line of astonishment at Mrs. C’s obtuseness. Sent it by Maddox whom we took to the Ledbury Turnpike. Taken in to call on the Pindars. I meant to enquire after them,—& they wished to see us. Us means H A & me. Dear Stormy’s birthday.[2]
1. Published in The Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. Sandra Donaldson et al., (London, 2010), 5, 503–505.
2. His 17th.