[Cambridge—Tuesday, 12 July 1859]

Left the kind Macmillans early Tuesday morning overwhelmed with the kindest hospitalities. We shall not soon forget the Christian spirit which pervades that house-hold. Great self-government in the rulers of it being the root of order and comfort for the whole. Tennyson’s new poem arrived just as we left.

Arriving in town found letters without number to answer. Just in the midst Hawthorne and Mr Bright called. Went at ¼ past 7 to dine at Mr Procter’s. Warm, but not so warm as to prevent our enjoyment of the celebrated guests and refined feast. Dear Mr Procter said he had passed our door several times and had fully intended to come in but feared to trouble us too much knowing we had many engagements. You must come to see us now however or I shall revenge myself by calling indeed. Such tenderness and loveliness of spirit as beams out from that dear old man I shall never forget. I had a short talk too with Charles Sumner. He is much better and hopes soon to be able to return to America and his duties. Miss Procter I liked very much. She is not graceful in manners nor in the every day expression of her mind. She is nervous but very clever modest and pleased with her literary success. Leigh Hunt sat opposite at dinner just where I could sometimes catch a few of the chastely turned sentences which he pours out so fluently still, in despite of the snow of 76 winters which rests upon his head.

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