[Monks Green—Sunday, 3 July 1859]
Jamie became so nervous and unhappy that we determined to return to London Sunday afternoon which we did in spite of their united desire that we should stay. I do not think Jamie could have slept again in that house. Mrs Massey is clairvoyant and it has probably affected her nerves. We (Gerald and myself) walked home from the farm-house where we went Saturday night to get milk, together through the wheat field while he talked delightfully all the way. He said the truest poets should be objective, in order to be of interest and therefore of use to humanity. He said Tennyson was too subjective and too fine for the people whereas Shakspere and Burns wrote that, the million might understand. I cannot agree with him. I believe some people live nearer heaven than others and interpret what they see to those who touch the hem of their garments. Tennyson is such an one so I think was Shakspeare in his finer moods indeed such are all true poets although some start as Burns from with a sharply drawn back-ground of life-long struggle with fortune.
We returned to town in time for a cosy tea at our lodgings. I finished Tennyson before sleeping. Lulling and wooing me as it did we talked and sank to sleep refreshed.