[Campton—Saturday, 18 June 1864]

We came hither from Boston on the 11th day of June. The day was quite cold but clear when we left. A bridge burned near Manchester forced us to walk some distance and we congratulated ourselves at being able thus to catch a refreshing walk of two miles and see the woods for the first time. I was delighted too in having rough walking boots as they were so safe and comfortable.

Mr Charles Amory on the train told us of the wonderful factories at Manchester. 20,000 000 yds American mouslin de laine made every year. Gathered tall blue eyed violets in the woods.

About two hours before we reached Plymouth the train killed a horse attached to a wagon containing a father, mother and four children, they were paralysed with fear but unhurt. The man seemed to think too much of the death of his horse to remember the safety of his family which subject Jamie recommended to his consideration.

Reached the Willey farm about two o’clock all quiet—at length we got in however and nestled round the kitchen range for it was severely cold.

That night the frost came killing all the beans and injuring the corn. Not as much on the other side of the river however—there seems to be more wind there & less frost.

The Willeys talked much about their fire—giving us a full description. Mrs W. said all their “piece drawers” were burned “and Mr Willey’s black satin vest which was a great loss, as a black satin vest for a gentleman is like a lady’s black silk dress, handsome for all occasions.”

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