[Boston—Friday, 14 April 1865]
April 14. Four years ago Sumter fell and today Mr Beecher has been speaking at the fort under the dear old flag!! Lee surrendered Sunday the 9th the news reached us the 10th. It rained hard but the Deweys were here and we drove all around the city. It was an inspiring sight.
Today the excellent reporter “Carleton” (Mr Coffin) delivered to J.G. Whittier in Mr Fields’ office the key of the Richmond slave prison. He saw fifty slaves emancipated from this den a few days since.
The news of our public joy is so vast there are no words, no words!
The whole city seems to hold one corner of the loyal bunting & do its best to wave. Alas! for poor Mr Hillard. He killed himself utterly on the tenth in attempting to address a loyal crowd. Hisses trampled his soul in the very dust. He used the words “Magnanimity of Lee” which have at once become a byword to the people.
Mr Bartol ran down the steps of his house into the street in dressing gown & slippers as we left there this afternoon and said pointing to the red of the floating flag
Sweet rose, with hue angry & brave
Which makes the rash (Robert C. Winthrop) wipe his eye.