[Boston—Monday, 13 June 1870]
June 13th We cannot think of other things, his memory and the thought of those who loved him is never absent. We passed Sunday at Nahant in Louisa’s new house, it being quite possibly the last chance we shall have to see her before her confinement, but we cannot keep away from Gad’s Hill. Poor Fechter came in to see Jamie on Saturday & staid 2 hours. I shall feel better now I have had a good cry! he said. It is touching dear J. says to be stopped in the street as he is.
It is doubly strange to us to remember the valley of shadows we have passed this winter and to discover it as leading to his tomb. We have occupied ourselves during Sunday in making up a short paper for the A.M. We knew some one must do it and I thought it fitter that we should.