[Boston—Friday, 12 May 1871]
May 12th Third meeting of the Officers of the Army of the Potomac. They came together in the morning at the Globe Theatre where “J.” read the poem for Bret Harte, preluding it with a few verses of his own. It was a beautiful and touching sight—the theatre was made beautiful with flags & decorations, the arms being stacked at the back of the stage to give the effect of an organ. Sheridan, Meade, Hooker, were there and many others who won the right to be forever loved & remembered by the people. In the evening was a grand banquet at the Revere, “J.” sitting third from the President. He was deeply impressed by the whole occasion; the meeting of officers who had not come together since the war; the maimed and broken condition of many; the love they bore to each other; it was almost too much even for these strong men to bear, indeed they could not without tears.