[Detroit—Wednesday, 27 October 1875]
Wednesday Oct 27. Detroit. Arrived about 8 o’clock last evening. As we drove from the station to the hotel, we saw at once we had entered upon quite a different scene. An air of culture and of repose sat upon the whole place. The hotel was exceedingly comfortable and just opposite, on a square wide enough to be New York or Paris, was a beautiful “Hotel de Ville.” The French settlers of Detroit seem to have struck a key note of taste which has not been altogether lost.
We were tired after our long ride yesterday but we walked the length of Fort St. after Mr Boott’s suggestion, whom we met at the hotel, and rode in the horse-car to the end of Woodward Avenue. The weather grew excessively cold and stormy, therefore we returned to the hotel where I remained over night while dear J. went to Ann Arbor to lecture on Cheerfulness.