[Manchester—Tuesday, 27 July 1875]

27. The warmest day of the year—beautiful shower almost without warning or thunder save at a great distance. Wrote quite a long poem during my walk this morning. Came home to answer letters, read Life of Macready and pass a quiet early afternoon with my darling who read to me Mahaffy’s book on Greece. Drove to see Dr. and Mrs Holmes who are staying at Beverly Farms with Mrs Paine. Pretty house just finished. Harness broke to our carriage coming home—partly owing perhaps to J’s taking Dr. Holmes round and round the circle in front of Mrs Paine’s to show off the carriage. They were like two boys—Dr. Holmes admired the dell behind our house especially. “The cool breeze which sweeps up from a dell of that kind and the mist which lies in it have an especial charm for me,” said the dear little man. The peculiar refinement of Mrs Holmes impressed me afresh.

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