[Boston—Saturday, 21 October 1876]
Saturday Jamie returned. Mary Lodge was here, created proof of circular for Visitors among the Poor. Jamie told us of an absurd talk he heard in the cars—a man said to another, Well! Your father’s gone since I see you! “Ya,” said the other “the old man got kind of peavy and we sent for a doctor; he was a kind o’ botanie doctor and he said his bones was loose and wanted tightening, so he gave him somethin’ “to tighten ’em up, but he died in a week”.
The last time he came down he heard a talk between two women about a young minister newly settled, a beautiful bran new minister, which was far better than what is often set down in books but it escaped me before I had time to write.
Miss Wesselhoeft came and we read Pandora again for the last time until after our return.
Willy Beal came to make a visit.