[Boston—Thursday, 23 March 1876]
Thursday. Passed the early morning at home writing letters and arranging charity list. At one o’clock went to Mr. Appletons, stopping to see Mrs Lodge whose mother is ill and Willy (who has been very poorly) by the way.
Phillips Brooks, Miss Bigelow and myself met upon the steps—and Mr. Appleton came immediately to greet us. He made about 200 sketches during his short tour in Egypt and the holy land. They are deeply interesting, as are all his eastern relics. Among other things, he showed us an eastern headdress the same style Cleopatra wore, the same we find in the statues of Horas [sic, for Horus], taken from a mummy case of wood and perfectly preserved, though now fast decaying I should say. The heavy coil on the side is perfect, also the arrangement in front with numberless small hanging braids.
Mr. Appleton said when showing us his sketches; “This one is of a place I never saw, done from memory—they said it was quite correct with perhaps a mountain or two, too much!” He was witty and amusing as ever. We saw again the beautiful portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds of Miss Louisa Pyne which he has purchased for the Art Gallery.
Walking across the common we talked of the Bensons. He considers her a woman in whom the moral sense is altogether wanting. Perhaps this discovery may be a valuable lesson. I think he will send them no more money except perchance for his pictures (which J.T.F. says are very bad by the way).
I went to Mr. Lang’s concert after the lunch. The music was perfectly chosen and as well played as chosen. It was a triumph “in these times”—the hall was crowded.
Called at the Bartols on my way home. The dear little lady cut her myrtle bush for me. She is a frugal soul and refused to take any of my tickets for the operetta in aid of the poor because they were $2.00 a ticket which she thought much too high!!
Coming home, dear J. soon arrived from Hartford where he also has had quite a triumph with his lectures. He found Mr. & Mrs Clemmens (Mark Twain), Mrs Cs mother and a school friend of hers and two little children, constituting the family. Mrs Clemmens is an invalid and her husband said she would not be able to be with them much—but she was, returning from her bedroom, after resting, for a pleasant chat. Great fun event on that night.