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Dacre, Lady, see Brand, Barbarina.
Dall’Ongaro, Francesco (1808–73), Venetian poet and patriot. In AB-4.
Daly, Patrick (d. 1856), groundsman and dairyman at Hope End.
Dante, Alighieri (1265–1321), Italian poet.
Darley, George (1795–1846), poet and writer.
Darley, William Henry (1798–1857), artist and critic. In AB-3, AB-4.
De Morgan, Augustus (1806–71), mathematician and historian.
De Morgan, Sophia Elizabeth (née Frend, 1809–92), wife of Augustus De Morgan.
De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), essayist.
de Salis Soglio, Julia (néeBayford, 1814–98), EBB’s cousin.
De Staël, Anne Louise Germaine, see Staël, Anne Louise Germaine de.
de Vere, Aubrey Thomas (1814–1902), poet and dramatist. In AB-3, AB-4, AB-5.
Deffell, Justina (1808–76), artist.
Defoe, Daniel (né Foe, 1660?–1731), writer and businessman.
Delaroche, Paul (1797–1856), French artist.
Delavigne, Casimer (1793–1843), French dramatist and poet.
Demosthenes, (384–322 B.C.), Greek statesman.
Dempster, Charlotte Louisa Hawkins (1835–1913), novelist, essayist, and author. In AB-4, AB-5.
Dicey, Anne Mary (née Stephen, 1796–1878), wife of Thomas Edward Dicey (1789–1858). In AB-4, AB-5.
Dicey, Edward James Stephen (1832–1911), author and journalist.
Dickens, Catherine Thomson (née Hogarth, 1815–79), wife of Charles Dickens.
Dickens, Charles (1812–70), novelist. In AB-2, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5. See biographical sketch.
Didier, Alexis (1826–86), French clairvoyant.
Dilke, Charles Wentworth (1789–1864), newspaper editor and writer. In AB-1, AB-3, AB-4.
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–81), Earl of Beaconsfield, prime minister and novelist.
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