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Eagles, John (1783–1855), art critic and poet.
Easthope, Elizabeth (née Skyring, formerly Langley, 1802–65), translator of travel writings.In AB–3, AB–4.
Eastlake, Charles Lock (1793–1865), painter and art administrator. In AB-5.
Eastlake, Elizabeth (née Rigby, 1809–93), Lady Eastlake, journalist and writer on art. Married (1849) Charles Lock Eastlake, knighted in 1850. In AB-3, AB-4, AB-6.
Eastnor, Lady, see Cocks, Lady Caroline Harriet.
Eastnor, Lord, see Cocks, John Somers (1788–1852).
Eastwick, William Joseph (1808–89), director of the East India Company (1849–58) and a member of the first India Council. In AB-3, AB-4, AB-5.
Eaton, Elizabeth (“Ibbit”) Jane (née Hedley, 1834–1909), EBB’s cousin and wife of Charles Ormston Eaton.
Eckley, David, III (1849–81), son of David Eckley and his wife, Sophia May (née Tuckerman). Childhood friend of Pen Browning.
Eckley, David, Jr. (1820–95), wealthy Bostonian. He and his family lived many years in Europe. In AB-4.
Eckley, Sophia May (née Tuckerman, 1823–74), wealthy American, friend and correspondent. In AB-5. See biographical sketch.
Eden, Emily (1797–1869), dau. of William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland, writer.
Edgeworth, Maria (1768–1849), novelist and educationist.
Edmonds, John Worth (1799–1874), New York Supreme Court Justice and author.
Elgin, Lady, see Bruce, Elizabeth.
Elgin, Lord, see Bruce, Thomas.
Eliot, George, see Evans, Mary Ann.
Elizabeth I (1533–1603), queen of England and Ireland.
Ella, John (1802–88), violinist and conductor.
Elliot, Margaret (1827–1901), eldest dau. of Gilbert Elliot, Dean of Bristol Cathedral. In AB-5, AB-6.
Elliotson, John (1791–1868), physician and mesmerist.
Elliott, Ebenezer (1781–1849), poet and bar-iron merchant.
Ellis, Sarah (née Stickney, 1799–1872), writer and educationist.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82), American philosopher and poet.
Empson, Charles (1774–1861), fine art dealer. In AB-4.
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