Search Results | Persons
Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Gustave, Gräfin von (1805–80), German writer.
Hall, Anna Maria (née Fielding, 1800–81), writer. In AB-1, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5.
Hall, Robert (1764–1831), Baptist minister.
Hall, Samuel Carter (1800–89), journal editor and writer. In AB-2, AB-5.
Hall, Spencer Timothy (1812–85), writer and mesmerist.
Hallam, Arthur Henry (1811–33), poet and essayist.
Hallam, Henry (1777–1859), historian.
Hallé, Charles (1819–95), Prussian-born pianist and conductor. In AB–3, AB–4, AB–5, AB–6.
Hamilton, Maria Rosalie (née Colbiörnsen, 1793–1878), correspondent. In AB-3, AB-4.
Hamilton-Gordon, see Gordon, Hamilton-.
Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), German composer.
Hanford, Compton John (1819–60), translator. Witnessed the signing of the Brownings marriage settlement.
Hanford, Elizabeth (née Martin, 1783–1844), of Woolashill Hall, Worcestershire.
Hanford, Frances (afterwards Flood, 1823–75), sister of Compton John Hanford.
Hanmer, John (1809–81), 1st Baron Hanmer, poet and politician. In AB-2, AB-4, AB-5, AB-6.
Hanna, Robert Maxwell (1821–57), pastor of the Free Scotch Church at Florence. In AB-4.
Harding, Augusta (afterwards Pym, 1830–81), correspondent.
Harding, Augustus James (d. 1871, aged 60), portrait painter.
Harding, Francis Pym (1820–75), army officer and administrator.
Harding, James (1787–1868), physician.
Harness, William (1790–1869), literary scholar. In AB-2, AB-5.
Hart, Joel Tanner (1810–77), American sculptor residing in Florence.
Haworth, Euphrasia Fanny (1802–83), author and artist. In AB-2, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5, AB-6. See biographical sketch.
Hawthorn, Robert (1791-1869), co-executor, with James Booth (1796-1880), of John Kenyon’s estate. In AB-4, AB-5.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804–64), American novelist. In AB-4.
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