Tuesday, Septr. 6.

Dear Minny is much better.

I have been unwell all the morning. Nota bene, never eat new honey. Lay in bed nearly all day, in consequence of that nota bene not having been noted yesterday.

A letter form Papa to Henrietta: and—thank God for it,—a happy satisfactory letter. He is perfectly recovered from the effects of his late attack, & is in good spirits, & does not talk of returning. Bummy is in hopes that he may be “doing something”; indeed she feels “sure that he must be doing something.” I wont—I dare not trust myself to, hope for more than a respite!—

Perdidi diem[1]—if reading Goldoni’s Il cavaliere e la Dama[2] does not redeem it, which I suspect it does not!— Mind! The honey is to have the blame of my doing what Titus did!—

1. “I have lost a day.”

2. Comedy first performed in 1749.

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