[London—Monday, 21 May 1860]
Monday 21st Writing during the day. Started at 4 with Mr and Mrs Dallas for the House of Lords where I literally passed the night. Dear Jamie could not come he was too busy but the Honorable Arthur Kinnaird put us into the best places and Jamie knew we were well cared for. Lord Lyndhurst was one of the first speakers. Already in his 88th year his voice was nevertheless clear and strong. Experience has given him caution and he opposes the repeal of the paper duty with all his power. An instinct has induced England to arm, and now the same watchful Providence seems to oppose the eagerness of the people.
Lord Dufferin spoke and the Duke of Argyle, the latter so warmly and intelligently in favor of the people’s desire. Lastly Lord Derby spoke with immense effect carrying with him the votes of the house against the repeal for the present of this hated duty.
Came home between one and two in the morning to find Jamie contemplated the remnants of a cold supper which he had at first prepared for us and afterward concluded to eat comfortably with Capt Mayse Reid and his wife who came in at 12 o’clk to call while the open carriage and footmen waited out in the deep waste and middle of the night one hour and a half.