[London—Monday, 7 May 1860]
Monday 7th Breakfasted with Charles Reade. We think him more and more an eccentric every time we see him. He has some remarkable pictures particularly one by Millais full of exquisite delineation of character and pure truthfulness to life. C. R. told Jamie he wished he would write a story with him. He says Jamie is crowded with marvellous incident which if he will surrender C. R. will do “the style” and the two names appear in united glory upon the title-page of the greatest novel of the age. Isn’t that a “Chateau in Espagne” I exclaimed when Jamie told me. Nevertheless I should be delighted to have another story from his pen wherever he may find the incident.
At 5 P.M. we started for Greenwich to take tea with Mrs Bennett. P. J. Bailey and the Croslands came to supper and we had a gay “high flyer.” Such a interesting little girl as Mr Bennett’s niece is I have not seen for many a day and she played too, charmingly on the piano. All the children were pretty and interesting.