[London—Tuesday, 8 May 1860]
Tuesday 8th Started as early as possible for the “Royal Academy.” There we found heaps of nice pictures but heaps of people too so we found it rather difficult to see all we wished. Had a pleasant little chat there with Annie Thackeray. Everybody thinks Millais has not done all he might with the “Black Brunswickers” but J. and I who had heard nothing about the picture were quite overwhelmed by it.
Mrs Hall’s party tonight was as interesting and brilliant as ever which is saying a great deal. Miss Frith played, Madame Sherrington sang, as did also Sam. Lover. The latter gave us some new Irish Songs and some old ones also. Ward the painter and his handsome wife were there, Dr Smiles and his wife, Mr and Mrs Dallas, Hume the spiritualist, the good Bensusans, &c. &c. &c. in fact there was no end of lions and agreeable people.