[Boston—Thursday, 3 December 1863]

Dec. 3. Last Tuesday Mr Emerson lectured in town. Mrs E. and Edith came to tea. She was troubled because of necessity a little late. She is a woman of proud integrity and real sweetness. She has an awe of words. They mean so much to her that her lips do not unlock save for truth or kindness or beauty or wisdom. The lecture was for today—there was much of Carlyle, chastisement and love. After the lecture they came home with us and about 20 friends. Wendell Phillips was in his sweetest mood. He spoke of Beecher and Luther and of the vigorous healthy hearts of these men who swayed their world. He said Hallam speaks disparagingly of Luther. I could not but think of Sydney Smith’s friend who spoke “disparagingly of the Equator.” Alden too came in wearied after his lecture. Senator Boutwell spoke in praise of life in Washington, the first man. Sunshiny Edith passed the night with us.

Yesterday Aunt Harriet and her family dined here in the evening we went to a reception at Mrs Ward’s for Mrs Dresel. The bride came last dressed in her white dress. Mr Dresel played to us. It was the most exquisite music and all were moved by it. We sat to listen in one of the most lovely rooms in the world. Hunt’s angel was just alit over the lamps at one end. Nothing could have been more beautiful. It was social and kindly too.

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