[Boston—Friday, 3 January 1868]

January 3d The year has given out before this little book and many incidents are unrecorded. Il suffit. The weather is warm and clear more like Spring than Jan. 3. and the walking less than knee deep with slosh.

Thought my household was going to break down yesterday. I am thankful today to see things are going better. Katy (maid in especial) was in her bed & Alfred (waiter) not to be had for Sunday’s dinner. Today matters have cleared like the weather. I hope now the storm will not come till our friend has seen one or two sunsets & sunrises from our window. Reading life of Voltaire par Eugène Noël—delightful.

“La Vieillesse, chez Voltaire, paraît un âge enchanté. La vie n’est pour lui qu’une ascension permanente vers les joies eternelles.”

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