[Boston—Thursday, 25 April 1872]

April 25. Good Mrs Osgood of Hollis, Me. came to dine. She has given me the story of her wedded life which began and ended 19 years ago. She was married five months when her husband died of consumption and during all these years the tender memory of her happiness, blighted so early, has sanctified the seasons as they pass. Her mother is 76 years old and she herself is vigorous & like to live as long, and cheerful. What a world this is to be sure. Mrs Ellis, with her brother and a friend, sent word they would like to come to pass the evening and look over books etc. which they did!

Mrs Diaz came to see me. She has gone to live at the house in Lincoln St. in order to give me full reports. Miss Philbrook does not prove immaculate. She asks two prices for her rooms and her prices are high—also the Restaurant is not working well. I must bestir myself to better these things—God helping.

Went into the garden to put a trowel into the ground for the first time.

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