[Manchester—Monday, 19 July 1875]

Monday 19. How the days will go! After a glorious morning yesterday, rain settled down. We did some talking on the piazza after meals, but I was terribly restive under these long wasteful sessions of talk. I cannot reconcile myself to them at all. I enjoy having our friends around us immensely, save for this waste of time and thought which it sometimes involves. I do not hesitate to go to my room and read, not from selfishness I believe but from utter depression of spirit as I see the precious time going going—all for nought as it too often does “in personal talk”—

We lighted our first fire in the evening. The moon rode at last “apparent queen” and inside as well as out the scene was pleasant. The moon was a great vision sailing among her attendant clouds. Toward dawn the winds arose, every cloud disappeared and the morning star rode in clear to herald Dawn.

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