[Manchester—Tuesday, 20 July 1875]
July 20. Mrs Diaz came yesterday. Lively sweet and earnest as ever. She is a blessing to any house. Another sweet day—quiet and clear.
Mr. Burlingame told us when he first saw Auerbach, the distinguished author asked him how old he was. “Twenty-one” was his reply—“Twenty-one,” said A. “and nothing yet done for eternity!” The remark was rather a blow at the moment but B. seems to have remembered as an incentive often times since.
Missed visits from Lucius Junius Booth & his wife, & from the Dresels yesterday by going to the “umbrella tree” in the afternoon. Yet we did see the good dear Bartols before we started. They drove over with Mrs B’s niece. Dr. B. bumped his head on our piazza branches, a thing I have been afraid some friend would do. Jamie says it took him to do it and he thinks almost everybody else is safe.