[Boston—Sunday, 20 May 1877]
Sunday May 20. Last night my good cook Ann who did not prove herself to be as good a woman as cook went away—the one who was to come did not!!
Miss Doria came to tea. Mr. George Ward Nichols of Cincinnati came in the evening. He is President of the Musical Society of C. and a man deeply versed in the art of music. He appreciated Miss Doria entirely. They sang Schuman & Franz, or she did, half the evening.
Today Sunday called to see Aunt Willard & Nelly and Miss Boardman, a lovely person who intends to go out to Weimar with Sarah.
Came home to find Mrs Child who had come to lunch. Mrs Child talked brilliantly. She is a most able woman, She has a plan of her own for making up a book of Scripture, smaller than Conway’s Anthology but comprising the Greeks and Latins—and—Henry Ward Beecher! “If he has been weak and sinned why so did King David,” said the old lady calmly.
She told us the particulars of her knocking a man down who was about to attack Wendell Phillips as he came from the Music Hall in 1860. Little woman as she is she caught him by the collar and threw him violently to the ground.